Saturday, June 20, 2009

How to participate....

Each Post below is based on certain chapters and verses from the book of Luke which are noted at the beginning of each post.

Example: Post #1 Chapter 1:1-25. Using your own bible read those verses.

Return to the post and after reading what I learned from it, respond by leaving your own comments, thoughts or questions based on what you learned from the verses. Or how you intend to apply what you learned to your own life.

Post your thoughts and ideas at the "comments" button at the bottom of each post...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Who was Luke? Introduction...

Luke was a doctor, a Greek and a Gentile. He is the only known Gentile (non-jewish) author in the New Testament. Luke was a close friend and companion of Paul. He also wrote Acts and the two books go together.

Luke wrote these books from Rome or Caesarea in about 60 AD.

This is the most comprehensive Gospel. The general vocabulary and diction show that the author was highly educated. He makes frequent reference to illnesses and diagnosis. Luke stresses Jesus's relationship with people; emphasizes prayer, miracles, and angels; records inspired hymns of praise; and gives a prominent place to women.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

#1 Chapter 1:1-25 Zacharias & Elizabeth

Read Chapter 1:1-25...then come back..

After reading the account of Zacharias and Elizabeth, Johns parents, I was reminded of Abraham and Sarah and how God gave them a child (Issac) in their old age too. But Zacharias unlike Abraham didn't believe it, so Gabriel punished him "You will be mute and not able to speak until the day these things take place, because you didn't believe"...

Ouch! I guess that was Gabriel's way of saying "shut up!"... I was also reminded of what Joyce Meyers taught in her book called The Battlefield of the Mind when she said we have to be careful what we let come out of our mouth, because we eat the fruit of it....Maybe Gabriel did it because he didn't want Zacharias to negate the promise? By speaking doubt and unbelief?

Not to mention what Zacharias must have been going through emotionally as he was going about his job of lighting the incense and looked up and saw the angel Gabriel standing there!! Apparently Zach fell down or at least stumbled, cause Gabriel tried to comfort him by telling him not be afraid...Poor Zacharias...If he was bored with his job I bet that woke him up!!

Can't you just see old Zacharias wishing he hadn't opened his big mouth? Trying but not able to speak? Opening his mouth and nothing but a hoarse croak coming out? If it weren't so sad, I would have to laugh..And then when he came out and the others realized he couldn't talk I bet they were glad it hadn't been their turn to burn the incense..:)..

But seriously it made me wonder how many times God has wanted me to shut my mouth?..How many times God thought about sending an angel to put a clamp on my tongue because I was speaking words of doubt?

And the wonderful announcement of a son to be named John and He would be filled with the Holy Spirit even in his mothers womb...This was truly unusual because in the Old Testament the Holy Spirit was only given for short periods of time to empower someone to work on God's behalf to do a particular I guess we can assume that John the Baptist was the first one to be baptised in the Holy Spirit completely...Everybody else other than Jesus had to wait until the day of Pentecost for that to happen.

Gabriel said that John would be filled with the same kind of spirit or calling that Elijah the great prophet had....That's big time stuff.

The story also encourages me, because God used Zacharias and Elizabeth because they were devoted to God. (v6)" ...they were both righteous before God; walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless"

It encourages me not because I think I'm walking blameless before God, on the contrary, I blow it big-time every day, but I am devoted to Him and do trust Him to see me as righteous through my faith in the righteousness of Jesus.

I'm grateful we no longer have to live under the strict rules that the old covenant required. ...but instead I can boldly and confidently approach the throne of grace and mercy... Thank you Jesus..

What did you learn from the story of Zacharias and Elizabeth?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

#2 Chapter 1:26-38 Gabriel sent to Mary

Read Chapter 1:26-38 ..then come back..

Have you ever really wondered what it must have been like for Mary when the angel Gabriel showed up out of the clear blue sky and started talking to her?

Other scriptures describe Gabriel as a huge and powerful angel, so he was no ordinary 5ft 8 guy...He was huge and probably lit up the place with the glory of God!

But then Gabriel began speaking to her (v 28-29) "Rejoice highly favored one!, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women!" and when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying and considered what manner of greeting this was"

I bet she was troubled...I hope she was sitting down...but in any case I would guess her knees buckled at least a little bit! After all she was only a young girl, probably no older than 15. She was poor, female and uneducated...not someone that most would think God could or would use especially in that day, and even today..

How many young girls in our own lives need someone to tell them they can do and be anything God tells them they can be and do?

Gabriel was pretty nice to her though because he said (v30-33)"Do not be afraid, for you have found favor with God...and behold you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus...He will be great and will be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God will give Him the throne of the His father David and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there will be no end"

Close your eyes and just think about what it must have been like for Mary...what was going through her mind?

I wonder if she really comprehended what she was being told at the moment? Did she really grasp the enormity of what had just been told to her?

I'm sure that she was aware of the ages old promise and desire all the Israelites had for a Christ, Savior..the Messiah, but did she immediately put 2 & 2 together and realize that she was the one who would give birth to this Messiah?

Can you imagine what it must have been like for her? To believe that even though she was a virgin she would become pregnant...that SHE would be the one used in such a miraculous way? What she was being asked to believe was unbelievable...It was IMPOSSIBLE! ...I want that kind of faith that believes anything and everything God says I can be and do. Nothing is impossible for our God!

Unlike Zacharias who was an important Priest, you would think he should be FULL of faith didn't believe but this young little girl did. She believed God could and would do what He had said He would do.

In today's world it's still not uncommon for women to be considered unworthy or unable to be used to do anything of any great importance. I am reminded here of the scripture that says that God uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, and the weak things to confound the mighty.

From the worlds point of view it may seem foolish for God to use us in wonderful ways. He uses what the world considers weak to put the so-called wise and mighty to shame!! I love that!!

The next time God tells me that He is going to use me to do something...I'm gonna believe Him!

What did you learn from reading about Gabriel's visit to Mary?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

#3 Chapter 1:39-56 Mary & Elizabeth

Read Chapter 1:39-56...then come back

The angel Gabriel had also told Mary that her Aunt Elizabeth and Uncle Zacharias had conceived a son too. Which would make John the Baptist her cousin. Making John a second cousin to Jesus.

Mary either went to escape the ridicule she received because of her unwed pregnancy or simply compelled by the Holy Spirit to visit her aunt and uncle where she stayed for 3 months. When she got there John leaped around in Elizabeth's womb. Other gospels say that John was filled with the Holy Spirit even in his mothers womb. So he was already in there preaching the gospel :) excited about his role in bringing attention to the Messiah who would soon come into the world.

John and Jesus were already connected spiritually via the Holy Spirit. They had to have been on some level aware of each other even before they were born. Isn't that cool?

And both Mary and Elizabeth must have been connected spiritually as well, because when Mary approached and spoke Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied to her and said (v42)"Blessed is the fruit of your womb" It would seem that some really wonderful and miraculous things were happening here...more than meets the eye...

(v45) "Blessed is she who believed, for there will be fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord" I wonder if Elizabeth was used by the Holy Spirit to comfort Mary? Maybe Mary was still a little confused and needed further confirmation of this strange thing that was happening to her?

If so, it worked because she broke out in a wonderful diatribe of praises to the Lord in what is called the "Song of Mary" her heart was full of faith, thanksgiving and praise.

What did you learn from the story of Mary and Elizabeth?

Monday, June 15, 2009

#4 Chapter 1:57-80 John the Baptist is born!

Read Chapter 1:57-80..then come back..

So finally John has been born and they are about to dedicate him. This would probably have been something like when we dedicate our children or have them christened. All their friends and family would have gathered around...

Zacharias was a Priest, so you can be sure some pretty important folks were there. And apparently it was customary that sons were named after their fathers, so as they were about to name the baby after Zacharias...Elizabeth speaks up and says No way!

Let's not forget that Zacharias has been mute during the whole pregnancy, so he grabs something and writes "His name will be John"!! and by doing so unlocked the punishment that had been put on his tongue...the lock on his mouth was off now...His faith in the promise had unlocked it.

Just a little tidbit of information;..the name John means the Lord is gracious. And unlike other children God Himself named John..had given him that name on purpose.

Zacharias is finally released from the punishment for his doubt and unbelief..and it freaked the people out, they all knew the story of how old Zacharias had come out of the temple 9 or so months ago not being able to speak...So now that he could talk all of a sudden, they all realized that there must be something pretty special about this baby John and the gossip started...

So now that Zacharias can speak again, the first thing he does is start praising God! He was finally realizing the full impact of what this child, his son John was destined to do, and that John would be instrumental in getting the world ready for the Messiah.
Like Elizabeth the Holy Spirit came upon him and he began prophesying that the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings...the promised Messiah was finally coming.

According to the angel Gabriel's message earlier John must be sanctified and set apart from society so when he was old enough to leave his mother he was sent to the desert to live apart from the world so he wouldn't or couldn't be influenced by it.

He would need to be completely dedicated to the role he had in preparing the path for Jesus. It might have been something like living in a monastery in today's world. Away from anything worldly including the religious leaders and politicians of that day.

And apparently it worked because John would come later not caring about what anybody thought of him and preaching boldly against sin! Thus preparing the way for Jesus and His message of the Kingdom of God and the righteous life he would teach about.

I'm obviously not called to do anything as enormous as John was, but God still tells me even though I live in this world I am not to be like this world. That Iam not to participate in what God says is sin. That even when the world around me rejects Gods call to righteousness, I must be like John who calls sin a sin...

Instead I'm to be set apart for God's use and to tell others about my wonderful Jesus who has come to save us from our sin.

Maybe all christians should be like John?..Telling about and preparing peoples heart to recieve the precious Jesus...

What did the story of John's birth teach you?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

#5 Chapter 2:1-20 Jesus the Messiah is Born !!

Read Chapter 2:1-20...then come back..

Here we have Luke's version of the REAL CHRISTMAS STORY...

The first thing Luke brings to our attention is the way God the Father is using the powerful Roman Government Officials to orchestrate the prophesies surrounding the birth of His Son...

Caesar Augustus the greatest Roman Emperor was compelled to institute a census which required all citizens to return to their home towns to take a census so they could collect their taxes, and it must be done "now".

Perfect timing Huh?...Just in time to make sure that Joseph and Mary who lived in Nazareth had to make the 70 mile trip to Bethlehem, where we know of course it was prophesied in Micah 5:2"But for you Bethlehem, too little to be among the clans of Judah. From you One will be ruler in Israel, His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity..."

So off they go on their trek to Bethlehem because the Messiah must be born there....I wonder if they knew that the prophecy was being fulfilled? I have a feeling they might not have. They were probably just going about the business of obeying the law in spite of the fact that Mary was about to give birth.

And we all know the story that when they finally got there Mary did give birth and because of the great influx of people traveling there, there was no place for them to stay. So they must have found some kind and generous person to lend them their stable to stay in. Can't you just see God's hand in this too?....making sure His servants Joseph and Mary and of course His Son would be taken care of even in these chaotic circumstances?

I did find as I was studying a little tidbit of information; That the wooden structure of a stable that is normaly seen depicted on the front of our traditional Christmas Cards is not correct, but it was most likely a cave in the side of a mountain.

So here comes God's version of a Birthday Party for His Son!! The birth of His Son was a pretty big deal so He made sure all the angels and all the hosts of heaven attended the celebration!... They were the ones who made the big announcement and brought attention to it.

I find it wonderful that instead of going to all the so-called important people in town the announcement was made to shepherd's out in the fields...Isn't that just like our Father God to reach out to those who would commonly not be important in a worldly view? He has and always will reach out to the meek with His love, and this time was no different.

The angels came and of course it freaked the shepherd's out! Can't you just imagine them sitting around the fire that night or tending their sheep and all of a sudden the Great glory of the Lord God lit up the sky...!! All the angels began singing praises and dancing joyfully! Our God really knows how to start a party don't He? No body can say we serve a boring God!! :) smile..

The angels once again knowing that humans really aren't used to this kind of thing say "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ..the Lord"

We've all heard that verse before but really stop this time and think about what it must have really been like for the shephards to see these things and hear these words first-hand and up close...

I wish I could have been there, can't you just see all the shepherds scattering and running and rejoicing and praising the Lord!!....and of course started on their way to Bethlehem to see this Savior child the angels had told them about??

Mary and Joseph must have been exhausted, especially Mary, from the trip and then the birth. But here are all these strange people who have come looking for their son. But what a blessing too, because once again God was confirming to them the great privilege they were the recipient of...To be the surrogate parents of the Messiah! The bible says that Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart....

Luke chose to leave out some of the parts that other gospels include. Things like the star and the wise men, but I like this simpler story too...Just short and very sweet.

I love Christmas and celebrations surrounding the birth of our Savior, but in the process of studying here it gave me new incite into what that day must have really been like.

I especially liked the reminder that God uses both Emperors and common everyday people for His purposes and causes even ordinary circumstances in our lives to bring about what He has planned for us. He's got it all figured out in advance, all the little details...down to the precise time and place..

I have a new perspective on my own everyday life now. God really is in control. He really does know what He's doing even when it makes no sense to me whatsoever...He knows where I'm gonna wind up at the end of each day, week, month and year...and plans it out and leads me down those paths. I really do need to relax even more...

I am reminded of the scripture that says "Man makes his plans, but God directs his path"...I may make plans but if God has a better idea and sends me in another direction, I can rest in the assurance He knows what He's doing...Ok Father! You're will, not mine...

I have a newer level of trust now...after all if He can cause Emperors to move on His behalf, He can certainly cause people and circumstances in my life to turn out just right every single time.

And I am so glad He sent Jesus to us...Thank you God for sending our Savior. I am so glad He came and was born so I can be saved from my sin. Thank you Father..You're Awesome!! Thank you Jesus...I love the story of your "Birth"day party!!

What did the story of Jesus' birth teach you?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

#6 Chapter 2:21-40 Jesus dedicated in the Temple

Read Chapter 2:21-40...then come back..

We see here that Father God is making sure that Jesus would be brought up by good parents who would follow all the requirements of the Mosaic Laws including dedicating Him in the Temple 8 days after His birth...

He would be officially named Jesus, which means "The Lord Saves" and circumcised just like all the other little Jewish baby boys, but God made sure His dedication would be a little more exciting than most..

Simeon who is described as a righteous and devote man of God was filled with the Holy Spirit and recognized Him immediately and took Jesus up in his arms and was thrilled because he realized that the promise the Lord had given him had finally come true...Can you just imagine how excited he must have been?

He had probably been waiting many many years for it to finally come to pass...and here was the baby... And said... (V34-35)“Behold, this Child is destined for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign which will be spoken against (yes, a sword will pierce through your own soul also), that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”

God had promised this righteous man Simeon the honor and privilege of seeing with his own eyes the Messiah...the Savior of the World! Not only of the savior of the Jews but of the whole now Simeon was content to die in peace knowing that God's promise and the prophesies had finally coming to pass.

And we all know that Simeon's' prophecy was right, Jesus would be the cornerstone that many would stumble over...He would be the One who caused great consternation and great joy...both in abundance...

And let's not forget Anna, the widowed Prophetess who lived in the Temple day and night was immediately drawn to the child...and the minute she laid eyes on Him she began proclaiming to the crowd there and all around the praises of God...

I can just close my eyes and imagine her, even as feeble as she must have been at 84 years old, joyfully dancing around announcing what she knew in her heart!! The Messiah! The Messiah! Our Savior and King has come!...of course the Bible doesn't say that, but that's' what I would have done :) smile

So here we are..even more signs and wonders for Mary and Joseph to ponder surrounding this baby Jesus! This tiny 8 day old baby boy would grow up strong and wise and be the Savior of all those who would put their trust in Him.

Now to my thoughts...

I have often wondered and felt a little frustrated about why the bible is silent regarding His early years. We don't learn much about Him again until He turned 12 years old and would go into Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover Feast...and we will discuss that in the next post...

Regardless of the details of His young life, we know He grew up in Nazareth and we can be assured that God made sure that Jesus was brought up participating in all the Jewish traditions, Festivals and requirements of the Law and the Commandments..He would have tirelessly studied the Old Testament scriptures, memorized them and pondered them in His heart and as a result grew wiser than most.

Mary and Joseph would have been very proud of Him and would have brought Him up in a good and honest home...surrounded by love and probably expected to do hard work helping Joseph in the family trade. We never hear about Joseph again either...I guess it's just one of the things that will remain a mystery.

We know based on mention of them in other gospels that Jesus had half brothers and sisters, and because He was the oldest would have probably been expected to help take care of the younger siblings...Of course that's all speculation and guess-work on my part, but it would have been what the normal life then would have been like in that time and it's probably a good guess. Because during those times it would have been extremely important and helping each other was crucial for basic survival.

We know that after He began His ministry and returned to Nazareth to minister to those there in His hometown, the people there said "Isn't this the son of the carpenter?". So maybe He had been simply like any other boy growing up because they didn't remember Him as anything out of the ordinary? Little did they know that this carpenters son was actually God in the flesh and would eventually retake His place as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords...

Just imagine after living right next door to Jesus all that time and later finding out who He actually was!??! and saying "Wow...maybe I should have been a little nicer to him" :).. It would have been like growing up next door to the most famous celebrity of all time!!

I am still amazed that God loved us so much that He would come down from all His glory to walk in the form of a man. To take on flesh and blood with all the possible weaknesses that come with that; to feel pain and sorrow so He would know what it was like to be human...

My Jesus is God, the Son, but He was also fully human as well, with all that comes with I know when I go through something He understands it. He knows what it's like to cry and get angry, and feel pain physically and emotionally.

I also thank Him for the promise to deliver me from all those things completely and perfectly as I trust and rely on Him..because the Bible says that He is forever sitting at the right hand of God interceding on my behalf. And ..."Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed" Isaiah 53:4-5.

Oh how I love my best friend Jesus...

What did you learn from the story of Jesus' dedication?

Friday, June 12, 2009

#7 Chapter 2:41-51 Jesus amazes the Scholars...

Read Chapter 2:41-51...then come back..

Jesus is now 12 years old and His family is taking their annual trip into Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of the Passover.

The Passover Feast was celebrated to remember how God had delivered the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. God had instructed Moses to smear the blood from a sacrificial lamb on the doorposts of the Israelites homes so the angel of death would "passover" them.

And here is Jesus the Lamb of God, who would eventually be sacrificed and His shed blood would set many free from the slavery to sin and from eternal death. I wonder if Jesus knew at this point in His life or had any idea what He was ultimately meant to do?

After the days of the Festival Mary and Joseph were on their way home and realized Jesus wasn't with them...that seems kind of strange to me...but we live in a different time now..

Anyway, they had to turn around and go back for Him and after 3 long frantic days found Him in the Temple sitting among those who were considered teachers of the law (this would have been like Him sitting among men with theological PHD's) discussing the scriptures but Jesus was amazing them with His astounding wisdom...This is one of the first evidences that Jesus was now becoming more than just an ordinary 12 year old boy.

Can't you just imagine how all these so-called wise guys must have been sitting around trying to debate and translate the scriptures with Him, and all of them being astonished with His depth of knowledge? (v47) "...and all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers.."

As a mother myself I can really sympathize with Mary who was probably by this time more than a little upset and scared after looking for Him for 3 or 4 days. So they finally find Him and he says ...(v49) "and He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” In today's vernacular it might have been something like "Duh!..didn't you know that I would be here doing what I'm supposed to do? No wonder they didn't understand what was going on..

(v51) and then they went back to Nazareth and He was subject to them"...I wonder if that means He got punished for scaring His mother so badly? :) smile...

In any case this story clearly shows that He had more than a shallow knowledge of the Word of God. And it gives new meaning to "And the Word [Jesus] became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth". John 1:14 Afterall ...He was the Word...

I still ponder the mystery of Jesus being fully human....yet fully God...

What did you learn about the story of Jesus in the Temple?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

#8 Chapter 3:1:38 John prepares the way...

Read Chapter 3:1-38..then come back..

John had spent many years, probably more than 20 years in isolation devoting himself to God's calling on his life...

Tidbit of information; John was approximately 6 months older than Jesus, so this would make him the same age as Jesus which was about 30 years old. He was also a relative, probably a cousin to Jesus.

The bible says he had lived in the wilderness. We may think of the wilderness as being out where nobody else was. Some believe it was likely that he lived with others of like-mind who had distanced themselves from the worldly views and the temptations of daily life in the big city.

In other gospels we are told he was... "..clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey". Matthew 3:4. Yuck! I'm sure glad God didn't ask me to do that...wool is scratchy and I would prefer pizza over locusts any day.... :) smile..

In verse 2 he received a "word" from God and it is translated from the Greek word rhema which means to get a direct revelation or supernatural direction from God by way of the Holy Spirit.

This word he received was his notice to begin the task to be... The voice of one crying in the wilderness:“ Prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; the crooked places shall be made straight, and the rough places smooth; The glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together..."

His message was strong and clear, no sweet beating-around-the-bush message. There was no room for error, no room for speculation. He didn't come speaking in parables that could be misunderstood or not understood at all ...his message was crystal clear..

The Messiah was now at hand, and all must prepare for Him by repenting of their sin and turning to God for the remission of their sin or be cast into hells fire!! I call that "short and to the point ".

John was known for making pretty blunt statements like “you Brood of Vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance!!

I like the Amplified version...When crowds of people came out for baptism because it was the popular thing to do, John exploded and said you Brood of snakes! What do you think you're doing slithering down here to the river? Do you think a little water on your snakeskins is going to deflect God's judgment? It's your life that must change, ...

He warned of One [Jesus] mightier than he was and that....His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He [Jesus] will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.”

He was clearly declaring that Jesus would come and cause clear divisions between the wheat (believers) and the chaff (unbelievers)...That the believers would be gathered in barns (enter into the Kingdom of God) and the unbelievers would burn in hells fire..

To was God's way or the highway! You were in or you were straddling the fence...No lukewarmness allowed!! No wishy-washy stuff...

I wonder if someone came preaching that way today would he be accused of not be walking in the love of God? Probably..he certainly wasn't shy about calling sin what it was - sin.

In todays world so many things that God calls a sin is tolerated even within the church..Some may say, "Well, God loves the sinner so I have to love them too"...yes that is true, but God hates sin, so shouldn't we love the sinner and hate the sin just like God does?

Many people came to John asking him how they should live and he gave good advise; Share with others who are less fortunate, don't lie, or cheat by taking more than your fair share and be content with what you have. Pretty basic "Do unto others what you would have them do to you"..

He said "I baptize you with water but the One who is coming will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire.."

Personally I love that analogy of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and being submerged in water baptism. My water baptism symbolizes and makes a public proclamation that I have died to my sin and am now concidered righteousness through Christs blood...

But I see the analogy differently now....I was baptized in water and I have been baptized or submerged with the Holy Spirit now too...For me it is a reminder that I am to be completely, entirely immersed in, led by and controlled by the Holy Spirit..

Many may disagree with me but I believe at least to some degree John was saying that his baptism in water was only a reflection of or symbol of when Jesus would come and baptize us in the Holy Spirit who would bring the power so we could experimentally defeat sin. Those are just my thoughts and how I choose to look at it...

I am reminded that John was baptized into the Holy Spirit even while in his mothers womb, so we know that he was acting and talking precisely the way God wanted him too.

God is love, is full of compassion and quick to forgive, but because He loves us so very much He doesn't want us to remain in slavery to our sin so He will sometimes use people to be blunt in bringing attention to our sin....

Of course I'm not ready to go live in the wilderness and start eating wild honey and yucky locust or shouting from the rooftops that people are sinners and going to hell. But I do want to show them God's love and draw men to Him by a life lived worthy of my salvation and pray for an opportunity to share why I love Him so much.

In my studies I found that repentance has two sides - I must turn away from sin and turn toward God. To be truly repentant I must do both.

I can't just say I believe and then live any way I choose, and neither can I simply live a morally correct life without a personal relationship with God because that does not bring about forgiveness from sin. I must be determined to shun and run away from anything that God points out in my life and put my trust in Him to help me then do it.

Like John, I want to tell people about my Jesus, and in many ways I'm considered to be a thumping fool...but it would seem that I am in good company...

I may not be put in jail like John was, but because some won't hear the message I so long to give them I am shunned or persecuted or just ignored...

I remember one time when I was talking to the Lord about this very thing and He comforted me by reminding me that not everyone listened to Him and so some won't listen to me either.

What did you learn about the story of Johns' message?

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

#9 Chapter 4:1-13 Satan tempts Jesus...

Read Chapter 4:1-13...then come back..

Yes! Now we're getting into the RED LETTER stuff...!!

We know from Chapter 3 that Jesus has been baptised in water AND baptised into the Holy Spirit....Now He has the full manifested power of God residing within Him which makes Him ready for battle...

So what's the first thing that happens?..You guessed it, here comes the enemy trying to mess everything up.

I love this particular portion of scripture for many reasons, but mostly because it is a perfect picture of our struggle against the enemy who is constantly attempting to steal, kill and destroy what God wants to do for us and through us.

And because Jesus must always be our role model for what, when and how to fight the good fight of faith and win the battle over the enemy, this portion of scripture gives us a template or example of what the basic steps are when dealing with satan and how to defeat him every single time !!

The first thing I notice here is that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness where He was when the devil came to tempt Him. So He was precisely where His Father wanted Him to be, doing exactly what His Father wanted Him to do.

Over time I have realized that even though God tempts no man, He does lead me or allows me to be in situations where I have an opportunity to grow my faith, overcome temptations and learn to become more effective in the war against the enemy we face.The Lord allows me to be tested, so I can see where my weak points are and where I need improvement in my spiritual growth.

In my own life I have noticed when I find myself in a bad situation I wonder "Why me?"...I used to have a tendency to complain and gripe about it...Poor me :(

Sometimes my confidence would erode, or I got angry or want to pout and have pity-parties or worse throw in the towel and give up..and that is exactly what our enemy wants us to do. We play right into his hands when we do that.

The lesson that this story teaches me is that by Jesus' example here we must always rely on our faith and confidence in God's Word.

Every single time satan tempted Jesus, He is ready and armed with the Word of God to combat him with.

Jesus always slam-dunks him back with "It is written.......", which shows me the first and foremost important tool or weapon I have at my disposal is the Word of God.

The Word is referred to as the Sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6, and . "For the Word of God is alive and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword..."Hebrew 4: 12

Don't you just love that analogy? I like to imagine that when I speak the Word it's like holding a GREAT BIG HUGE and DANGEROUS SWORD slicing right through any obstacle; physical or emotionally I may be facing.

Try it...Close your eyes and get a picture in your mind of the biggest, meanest, strongest sword you have ever seen and you are using it to attack and destroy a weaker imagine that is what it's like when you speak the Word of God against the enemy!! I like that!! alot...:)smile

An example from my everyday life would be; when I sin the first thing the enemy does, in his attempt to damage my fellowship with God, is he whispers in my ear (mind) "Well you blew it this time, God will never forgive you for that" or "You've done that too many times, God is just not going to forgive you this time"

But I have learned to do what Jesus did here in these scriptures. I take out my Sword and slice right through that lie by saying "You're a liar satan!...It is written..."He is faithful and just to forgive my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness"!!

I turn quickly and ask my Father to forgive me, and my faith in Him to keep His promise to do that, sends the enemy fleeing from me with his stupid tail tucked between his stupid legs!!

He always comes back...(v13) Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.

But each time he does I will have hidden more of Gods Word in my heart and have it ready on the tip of my tongue like a sword... ready to wield it and slice right through all the lies...

The more scripture I have ready, the bigger my sword is !!

What did you learn by the story of Jesus' temptation?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

#10 Chapter 4:14-30 Jesus rejected in Nazareth

Read Chapter 4:14-30...then come back..

Jesus has now left the wilderness after spending 40 days and 40 nights fasting and praying, and passing the test by being tempted by the devil..

It was sort of a crash-course in preparing to be the Savior of the World. Actually it was just the last stage of His preparation, because He had been preparing for this all His life, but now He began the first steps into His real ministry, and to finally fulfill why He had come.

In verse 14 ..."then Jesus returned in the Power of the Spirit" So there was nothing to worry about, He was armed and dangerous now. The Holy Spirit has been poured out on Him and He's more than ready. He's prepared..
I also note here that Jesus did not begin His full-time ministry until He was baptised in the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus, God in the flesh, relied on the power He brought in order to do what He was required to do...This tells me that if Jesus needed the Holy Spirit, how much more do I need to rely on Him as a mere mortal?

So now He begins and among the first places He goes to is back home to Nazareth. His mother, sisters and brothers and maybe Joseph would have been there.

And as He had done for many years while growing up there, He went to the synagogue on the Sabbath and was given the scriptures to read and He found Isaiah 49:8,9 “ The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.”
In quoting this particular scripture He was deliberately declaring that He was the One who had come to fulfil this prophecy.

And even though they were impressed with His eloquence and mastery of the scriptures, they still didn't respect Him or acknowledge Him because they remembered Him as nothing more than a carpenters son.

So Jesus compared them to the people in Elijah's time when all but a few Israelites had rejected God, just like they were doing to Him now.

Needless to say, this ruffled their religious feathers, so they jumped up and tried to throw Him off a cliff. But they can't hold Him, it's not His time to die so He just slips away....sounds like the angels had something to do with that little trick??

They must have been left standing there wondering where and what had just happened?..I can just see their faces filled with surprise and anger to have lost Him.

As a christian I'm compelled to preach the gospel too. Not as a pastor of a church, but to live my life before others as evidence of what Christ has done for me in order to point to One who could do the same thing for them. My life should preach the gospel even without words..

But far to often just like Jesus we are rejected and as a result they miss the opportunity to know the One who can set them free from heartbreak. The One who can liberate them from the oppression on their lives. The One who can open their spiritual eyes to see the truth that will set them free.

Oh, how Jesus' heart must have mourned for these people and mourns for people today because they have hardened their hearts and their traditions had blinded them and taken the place of a real relationship with God.

We must not forget that He was talking to the very people who were supposed to be true worshippers of God, but they didn't even know it when God Himself walked among them.

I'm convicted here...I wonder if Jesus came to see me would I recognize Him? Would I know it was Him? Would I hear what He had to say?

I believe so, I hope so, but this story gives me new determination to be sure I get to know Him even more...

What did you learn from this story?

Monday, June 8, 2009

#11 Chapter 4:31-37 Jesus has authority over evil spirits..

Read Chapter 4:31-44...then return..

Jesus has been shunned in His hometown and leaves to go to Capernium, a thriving city with great wealth and decadence.

He teaches His message with the same results He has received everywhere; they are astounded by the depth of His wisdom and the divine authority in which He speaks.

I've always liked to watch scary movies, but I avoid movies like the Exorcism in which a little girl is possessed and tortured by an evil spirit. After watching it when I was young I spent the next 2 weeks sleeping with my mommy (she finally kicked me out :) smile

Unlike all the other scary movies I watched that were based in pure fiction like giant bugs and plants that eat you, this one scared me the most, because I knew, to some degree, that according the bible possession by evil spirits was possible. This movie or any like it was based in reality according to the bible.

However, later in life as I began to study the bible I found that even though it's possible for someone to be possessed or oppressed, Jesus has absolute and complete authority over demons including the hold they had over people. In a single word He cast them out every single time! He came to set captive free!

Thank God, I've never seen or experienced anything even remotely like what the movie portrayed or like the more severe situations that Jesus experienced during His ministry.

However, we see throughout scripture that demons do have the power to cause people to be blind, mute, deaf and sick with all kinds of sicknesses, diseases and infirmities. Jesus would encounter demons everywhere He went, in many situations and places but they all had no choice but to obey Him.

In Luke 10:18-20 And He [Jesus] said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions [evil spirits], and over all the power of the enemy [satan and his dominion], and nothing shall by any means hurt you..."

I love this scripture and it's one of the scriptures (swords) I use in my own battles with the enemy who tries to inflict me with various kinds of oppression.

I make the above scripture personal by saying "In Jesus name, He has given ME authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing they try to do me can harm me"

As believers; children of God, and heirs with Christ, He has given us authority to cast demons out of our life too. I wonder how many believers are aware of the authority they have?

As a christian we can be sure that no demon can possess us because we are protected by the blood of Christ and the Holy Spirit who resides within us, but we can be oppressed by them. They can attack us and torture us in our minds and bodies if we allow it.

In 1 Peter 5:8-9 We are warned to "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour..."

Only after reading the Bible did I begin to find scriptures like the ones above and realize that the devil does try to "devour" us. But thank you Jesus we have been given authority, in His Name, to defeat them as swiftly as He did in His own ministry.

In the past I either ignored and tried to pretend they didn't exist but that is exactly what satan wants us to do. As long as we are either ignoring or pretending he doesn't exist we are at his mercy and he will destroy and devour our lives.

I'm not afraid of them anymore, and don't give them much thought, and never go looking for them under every rock, but when their stupid enough to raise their ugly heads and try to pull something on me I simply take my authority in Jesus name and they flee.

The authority the Lord gave us is just part of what our inheritance is as an heir with Christ and a child of the All Mighty God of the Universe!
Thank you Jesus for defeating satan, and thank you for the authority you gave to us over all works and power of the enemy!!

What did you learn from this story?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

#12 Chapter 4:38-44 Jesus HEALS THEM ALL!!

Read Chapter 4:38-44...then come back

I love the scriptures that bring attention to the fact that Jesus healed them ALL! Not just some of them, not just a few of them but.....ALL OF THEM! Every single time without fail!

To many times we forget that Jesus not only came to take away our sins, but also came to take away our sicknesses, diseases and infirmities too. Everywhere Jesus went people were made whole; spiritually, mentally and physically.

"...Simon’s (Peters') wife’s mother was sick with a high fever, and they made request of Him concerning her. So He stood over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. And immediately she arose and served them."

"...when the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. And demons also came out of many..."

Throughout scriptures Jesus proves His divinity by healing every kind of sickness, disease and infirmity including casting out demons.

The word "salvation" translated from the word "Sozo" in the Greek means to be made whole. So the real meaning of salvation is to be made whole; spirit, soul and body.

Isaiah 53:4-5 puts it perfectly "Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions [sin], He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities [sin]; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.[spirit, soul and body]" Amplified version

What did this story mean to you?

Saturday, June 6, 2009

#13 Chapter 5:1-11 Miraculous catch of fish..

Read Chapter 5:1-11...then come back.

Jesus not only taught in the synagogues, but also out among the people. In today's vernacular we might call it a "street ministry". Out where people lived and worked.
I wander what Jesus had been teaching? About faith?...maybe persistence? and by Him asking Simon Peter to throw out his nets again was a way to make a point?

In any case, Peter, James and John had already given up for the day...they hadn't caught a thing and were probably discouraged, tired, smelly and just ready to go get some rest.

So here comes Jesus, steps into the boat and says " Try again boys!".....and can't you just see Peter rolling his eyes and thinking "This guy may be a good teacher, and I know He can heal people, but I'M the fisherman...I know what I'm doing".

I can see him being all cocky and just to show he knows what he's talking about throws out the nets expecting absolutely nothing to happen and all of a sudden the fish start jumping in the many it almost sunk the boat!! Wow!

Peter got down off his high-horse pretty fast and finally realize what a fool he had made of himself. He finally realizes that Jesus was not only a good teacher, but that He has authority over sickness, disease and demons and now finds out He also has authority over nature... even fish obey Him!

I can see the smile on Jesus' face when He says..."Come on boys and I will make you fishers of men"!!

My thoughts...

I wander how many times Jesus has told me to "try again"...and I've missed a miracle because I quit?

How many times have I given up because what He told me to do just didn't make any sense to me, so I missed a miracle?

This story taught me to be like Peter...even though something doesn't make any sense to me I need to simply obey because nothing is impossible for the Lord.
What did this story teach you?

Friday, June 5, 2009

#14 Chapter 5:12-16 Jesus heals the Leper

Read Chapter 5:12-16...then come back...

Leprosy, also known as Hansen's disease, was a feared disease because there was no known cure for it then, and some forms of it were highly contagious. Anyone having leprosy was forced to live away from others as a result.
Leprosy had not only devastating physical results to the nerves which caused the victims fingers, toes and noses to literally rot off in severe cases, it had an enormous emotional impact and terror associated with it.

This particular man must have had an advanced case because it says "he was covered with it.

Lepers were shunned, not only because they were contagious, but because their appearance like in this mans case would have been was repulsive to those around him.

This poor man must have been absolutely desperate to have come into close proximity to anyone. It was forbidden for them to do so by law and they were considered "unclean" by the religious. He could have been stoned to death.

As I attempt to put myself in this mans situation, I would have been willing to do anything too, including being stoned to death to get rid of it.

He fell at Jesus feet begging..pleading for mercy and said..."If You are willing...You can make me clean"

Oh...I love Jesus' response because unlike every one else standing around who must have been shocked and repelled by him, Jesus reached out immediately with no hesitation, no revulsion and in His love and compassion gently touched him and said "I am clean"

So many times in my own life I have felt alone and desperate for someone to just love me and help me, and my Jesus is "always willing"..Always! Every single time!

In today's world there is so much pain and sorrow and desperation and far to few are aware and realize that our precious Lord is more than willing to reach out and touch them and heal them.

He is willing to heal us from all our infirmities; physically and emotionally and all we need to do is come like this man did and ask.

What did you learn from this story?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

#15 Chapter 5:17-26 Jesus heals a Paralytic

Read Chapter 5:17-26...then come back...

The crowds around Jesus must have been enormous making it impossible for anyone to get near Him...
I love closing my eyes and imagining what it must have been like...

I can just see these guys trying to get their beloved friend through the massive crowds. Many would have given up, but these guys just wouldn't take "no" for an answer. So they struggle around to the side, climb up either by the side of the building or up stairs all the while carrying their sick friend on what was probably something like a stretcher we use today to transport the sick...

...So they finally reach the top, (homes during that time had flat roofs made of mud and straw) and they begin to break away the dried mud/straw mixture until they have a hole big enough to get the stretcher down there...
Remember, this right above where Jesus would have been sitting...I bet He knew what was going on...because the debris would have been falling down around Him as He spoke to the crowd...
Then all of a sudden, they start lowering the man down...everybody looks up and see's what's going on...

These guys aren't messin around...their faith and determination is huge! To do all that proves two things to me...1. They really loved this sick man to have gone through so much to get him up there and down through the hole. 2. They really believed that Jesus would heal him when they did.

I believe the Lord is looking for people just like that...people who are determined and full of faith to do anything and everything it takes to get the job done. That kind of faith doesn't let anyone or anything stand in the way....and when we do, just like these men, we get the reward.
I need friends like that, and I want to be a friend like that...

The second thing this story re-enforces for me is that forgiveness of our sin and receiving physical healing comes together.

When we come to Him believing...we can expect to receive both....

Isaiah 52:4-5 "Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

#16 Chapter 5:27-32. Jesus calls Matthew (Levi)

I bet Matthew, also known as Levi, was watching all this going on...He had to know about Jesus, probably had heard Him teaching because when Jesus came by and said "Come, follow me", there was no hesitation...he got up and went.

Matthew was a tax collector. Tax collectors were considered to be one of the worst kind of sinners. As they went about their jobs of collecting taxes they were probably not very nice, and even known to take more than what was required by law, so they could put a little in their pockets...taking advantage of the people...

They were probably as popular then as IRS agents are today...not very welcomed when coming to audit our tax returns..
So when Jesus wanted to have anything to do with these kinds of people..the holier-than-thou religious folks didn't like it.
As I go about my life, I wander how many times I have, for whatever reason, snubbed someone because they were considered sinners?...Do I treat all people equally?...or am I just nice to those who meet my "acceptable" standard?

Monday, June 1, 2009

#17 Chapter 5:33-39 Jesus questioned about Fasting

According to the Old Covenent the rules about fasting were stringent. And the Pharcees were really hungup on the rules...Do this..Don't do that!

So when they approached Jesus to ask Him why He wasn't following the "rules" He responded by telling them a parable.

I remember reading this parable many years ago and having no idea what all the fuss was about wineskins...What did wineskins have to do with fasting?

Overtime, I have come to realize Jesus wasn't "really" talking about wine, or wineskins at all.

He was talking about how wrong it is to try and mix mens traditions (man-made rules and regulations) with the way God really wants us to live our lives.

He was also making reference to how hard it was going to be for the Pharcees and Saduccess to break with all their old tradtions and follow His New Covenant which freed men from all the law and the rules that came with it.
I wander in what ways am I'm following some kind of "rule" that's really not backed up in scripture...or what have I rejected because "it's just not done that way" according to tradition?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

#18 Chapter 6:1-11 Jesus heals on the Sabbath

Good Grief!! The Pharisees were so hung up on all the religious rules they didn't even want Jesus to heal someone on the Sabbath!

Can you imagine that?..

That's like going to church on Sunday and the preacher never allowing anyone pray for you to get well..Yikes!

But believe it or not many religious groups today have similar ridiculous rules...

When God gave Moses the 10 Commandments, #4 being "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy" There's just no way He meant for it to get so distorted this way...

We really do need to be wary of the same kinds of things happening today in our churches...What kind of "rules" or men's traditions handed down through the generations or denominational afiliations do we keep but are actually a distorted version of what God really intended?

There are things the bible tells us we are told to do, but we don't do it...And..There are things we are told not to do, but we do it.

Picking and choosing from the bible what we will teach or not teach is just a bad...

Mark 7:13 "making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down"

Friday, May 29, 2009

#19 Chapter 6:12-16 Jesus goes away to pray..

The one verse that really gets my attention here was verse 12.
Jesus went away from the people to pray..

This is something I struggle with...making time to get away so I can spend time with the Lord.

Everyday life just seems to come and take over...People are important, and I do need to be available to help others, but if I never take time-out like Jesus did...I'm not going to be able to stay strong, or get the direction I need for my life.

We see here that Jesus came back and began picking His disciples. Could it be that, that is what He was praying about? Could He have been discussing with His Father who to pick?

If so, then that would be a template for my own life...I am to spend time with God to get direction and information I need to do what I need to do...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

#20 Chapter 6:17-19 Jesus heals a Great Mulitude.

I see here another benefit of Jesus spending time with His Father...
He came back not only making crucial decisions about His ministry (picking His disciples), but refreshed and empowered to heal the great multitude of people..
Something else I've noticed throughout scripture is that He healed them ALL. Every single person that came to Him believing got what they came for. Every single time.
It says here that a "Great Multitude" came to Him. This probably meant that thousands of people were there.
I believe that healing for every single person, every single time is still available to us today just like it was when He walked the earth...That anointing is still being offered today, but many no longer believe...Why?
So many remain sick and oppressed by the devil in today's world, but it doesn't need to be that way..
He came to heal us in every way...Spiritually...Emotionally and Physically..

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

#21 Chapter 6:20-23 Jesus teaches the Beatitudes

20 Then He lifted up His eyes toward His disciples, and said: “ Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.

I don't believe the Lord is talking about being poor financially here..There is nothing "blessed" about poverty or being poor. Deuteronomy 28:16-17 says that poverty is a curse NOT a blessing. Jesus came and took that curse, so we could be blessed.

In Malachi 3:10 we are told as long as we tithe, we can expect the windows of heaven to open and poor out blessings that we don't have enough room to contain. We are to be blessed..pressed down, shaken together and running over. Not so we can get rich, but so we can help others. If I'm could I help anyone?

I believe He is talking about being poor in spirit, or knowing you need what God offers which is the righteousness of God, and the Kingdom of God and all it offers!!

21 Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled.

Again, I don't believe He is talking about being "hungry" in the sense of having no food to eat. He is talking about being hungry for Him, and the things of God...We are to hunger and thirst for righteousness and the things of God...and when we do..He will fill us up.

Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh.

Only when we come to Him truly sorry and repentant for our sins, will He be able to fill us with joy and laughter because we know we are forgiven and free!

22 Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man’s sake.

Jesus never promised that we would live a fairy tale life when we come to Him. As we begin to live our lives based on His teachings...the world will hate us because they hate God and His ways.

23 Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, For in like manner their fathers did to the prophets.

When people shun us or make fun of us or treat us badly because we are Christians there is nothing fun or good about that experience. BUT, our joy comes in knowing that even though we live in this world...we are not of this world...

We leap for JOY, because we know we please God, and live according to His ways...They mistreated Jesus and the prophets...and they will mistreat us too. We do share in His suffering for His sake and the Kingdom of God, but we will receive rewards in heaven for the persecutions we endure now!! Hallelujah !!

I love the following scripture...

Deuteronomy 28:1-14 “Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the LORD your God will set you high above all nations of the earth.

This above scripture can be claimed not only for the nation as a whole, but for you personally..God will set you high above every way.

2 And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD your God:

Overtake means abundantly!! Pressed down...shaken together and running over!

3 “Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country.

Every where you go!!

4 “Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks.

Your children, grandchildren and your job and provisions.

5 “Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl.

Food and provisions..

6 “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.

Anywhere...and everywhere!

7 “The LORD will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

People will rise up against us, but they WILL be defeated!

8 “The LORD will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you.

Everything we own and do...

9 “The LORD will establish you as a holy people to Himself, just as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the LORD your God and walk in His ways.

God knows we can't be perfect, but honors and rewards our genuine and heart-felt attempts at obedience...

10 Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the LORD, and they shall be afraid of you.

And even though we may be mistreated and persecuted the Lord will cause our enemies to fear us because they see the blessings of the Lord on our life.

11 And the LORD will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the LORD swore to your fathers to give you.

We are to be blessed...overflowing in every area of our lives...

12 The LORD will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.

God will cause blessings to rain down on us financially..(so we can be a blessing to others)

13 And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.

As we obey the Lord and follow His ways we will never be defeated...and always come out on top!

14 So you shall not turn aside from any of the words which I command you this day, to the right or the left, to go after other gods to serve them.

As long as we make God and the things of God as the priority in our lives...WE WILL BE BLESSED!


Anytime anyone asks me "How are you?" response is always.."I'm blessed"...and every time I say that..I am claiming these scriptures in's my way of reminding myself of God's promises....

And if I find myself being attacked in any of these areas I know that satan is attempting to steal, kill and destroy these blessings in my life...but he's a liar..and the father of all I just put him back under my feet in Jesus name..and say GET THEE BEHIND ME satan "I'AM BLESSED!"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

#22 Chapter 6:24-26 Jesus pronounces woes..

He is not saying He wants us to be poor or hungry or unhappy. He wants to pour out blessings on us..pressed down..shaken together and running over..

However, if we allow riches, or worldly things to become the priorities over our relationship with the Lord, or the things of God, we are "poor" and "malnourished" spiritually speaking.

Of course we are to be good, loving, law-abiding citizens, but if the world doesn't see us as set-apart from the "worldly" things then we are no different, and our Christianity is irrelevant..

I know this may sound weird, but if there aren't people in our lives who are making fun of us, or persecuting us in some way because of the choices we are making to walk our walk; live righteous lives, then we are really not living an authentic Christian life.

We are "in" this world, but we are not to live "like" the world...

Monday, May 25, 2009

#23 Chapter 6:27-36 Love Your Enemies..

These scriptures are just good old fashioned "Where the rubber meets the road" stuff...


So who is my enemy? Those who hate me. So.. who hates me? who curses me? Who persecutes me? Who spitefully uses me?
Whoever pops in our minds when we ask ourselves this question is who our enemy or enemies are.
The first thing I thought of when reading this was, I need to find out did I do something wrong to cause them to feel that way about me?..Is there something I need to repent of? Is there something I need to ask forgiveness for? If so, that would be my first step.

If not, then Jesus is not saying that we are to "like" what they are doing, but respond the way He did when He was hated, cursed persecuted and ridiculed.

Loving someone has nothing whatsoever to do with how we "feel". Love is nothing more than doing the right thing regardless of how we "feel"
Love is patient, kind, long suffering and never holds a grudge..
I don't believe Jesus is telling us to be the victims of abusive or sadistic people, because in other scripture He tells us to be wise, but gentle as doves..
Throughout His ministry He would leave areas when they wanted to hurt Him. He didn't just stand there and let them kill Him (until it was time for Him to do so at Calvary)..

As I go through life, I always ask myself this question..."What would Jesus do?...or "What did He do? The Holy Spirit helps me remember things that Jesus did in certain situations, and so use those stories and situations as a template for how I should act or re-act in situations...

I have also learned while trying to put these principles into practice in my own life I found that "Hurting people..Hurt people".

Sometimes people are hurting so bad, that they put up defenses to protect themselves so they strike out at others. They have been hurt so many times so they put up walls to protect themselves. There is a saying "Misery loves company".

Knowing this helps me to love them in spite of how they treat me. I know they are hurting and miserable for various reasons..and because of that they need my love so much more than others who may be nice to me.